The Evolution of Document Management

Why Choose Volume?

Volume Anywhere

Volume Anywhere allows you to take selected files out of the office in a password protected, read only format on most media including CD’s, flash drives, laptops etc. This data can have an expiry date built in for added security. Volume anywhere is an integral part of the software.

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    Does your company have an IT Department? (required)

    Frequently Asked Questions


    There are two costs involved: an initial capital cost to install, train and set-up the system and a monthly user license fee, based on concurrent connections to the database – the affordable way to manage documents and make the shift from paper-based solutions.


    Yes. This can be done either via a USB (memory stick); where you can make a read-only copy of selected client files to take away with you.


    There are two options available, both of which are free of charge:
    The first option is to use the database ‘Dump’ option found in the system setup. This will produce a series of folders, one for each file/client containing all their documents in whatever format they were originally stored in, such as TIFF, JPEG, Word, Excel, PDF, Emails, etc.
    The second option is a royalty free license to use the software in a single user read-only mode.


    Yes – all actions taken in the software are audited and tracked by the user’s login details and all data is stored inside the database, not held in Windows files. For data hosted outside the office, we conform to the internationally recognised standard for information security management; ISO27001.


    Yes!Volume provide all the tools you will need to be Popia Compliant.



    Volume is the only document management system that offers index free filing, giving you paper-like flexibility with enhanced digital capabilities like OCR.